I thought I would post some fun picks I took in our backyard this weekend after our harrowing shopping sprees. I am not good with names of flowers but this one is beautiful. We are so thankful that the previous dwellers of this house landscaped so abundantly! There are several of these beauties around the lawn!

Now I know that this is a rose. Isn't the color gorgeous!

Here is a plant we have in the corner of our yard. It has some beautiful purple blooms and a happy little bird on the branch in the center.

Here is a close-up of our fine feathered friend.

Here is the nest in that same tree. I think we will have to name this little guy!

I believe this is a hydrangea bush. I love the orange color of the flowers!

Here is my husband at his grill cooking us a great dinner. He is a great cook and has been experimenting with lots of things since we purchased our grill.

Tonight we used his new BBQ supplies we found at Linens N' Things - a grilling skillet, a corn cob holder for grilling and a new baster (not used in this meal*). He grilled these potatoes with
musrooms and onions a bit of butter and some minced garlic! It was delicious!

Here is his new corn
griller - this corn turned out wonderful! He was very happy with his purchase and so was I!! As you can see he was whipping up some fabulous steaks as well. I am not much of steak eater but he really did a wonderful job and I
thoroughly enjoyed our little feast!

Hope you enjoyed that little journey into our backyard! Stay tuned for more Decorating Treats as I am going to attempt to tackle the rest of the curtain debacle tonight!! Wish me luck!!
Happy Tuesday!