1. Buy materials and put up curtains in living room
2. Hang curtains we already have in bedroom and bathroom
3. Paint Wine rack, poss. entertainment center and begin refinish of secretary desk
4. Purchase Rugs for Bathrooms and Finish guest bathroom
5. Find frames for 2 needed pictures for Master Bath
6. Decorate alcoves
7. Get TV in master in place and finish hanging photos
8. Make Headboard for Bed
What do you think? Doable? Well the plan for tomorrow is to get up early (this part is just me) and go hit a few yard sales in search of some little treasures (curtain rods would be awesome to aquire at a yard sale!). Then Kyle and I are going to head into Lakeland or Brandon and do a bit of shopping (he needs shoes and I need.....well...$$$$ to get all my dream stuff for this house!)
In my new ambition to be a better blogger and emulate some of these fantastic blogs I have began frequenting this week I will be sure to post any treasure I find on my journey..that's if I get up early enough! The good thing about Florida is that garage sales start around 9 here as opposed to 7! We like to take it easy!
I can't wait to show you these adorable curtains that my Mom made for me to use in our Master bath. We kind of jointly had the idea when she and I were trying to drum up some sort of plan for the space. We decided to use some leftover decor pieces from the wedding - things that would be used in a new way which would be a cool reminder of our magical wedding plus save money on buying new stuff (I mean...like we didn't spend enough on the wedding!) So, we started cataloging what is left over that we might use. First step..Curtains! So you might remember these table runners that my Mother and Grandmother made out of my precious orange fabric I had to go to 3 fabric stores and an online store to get enough of.
Well, here they are now after a little revamp from their original engineer! What do you think? All credit goes to Mom on this one!
Here is the BEFORE picture with the beautiful aqua walls. The color really wasn't awful it just didn't match my style or any of my things so it had to go!
The Headboard
This is going to be a tricky one. In an attempt to save some cash flow on a new bedroom suite we are going to crank out a make it yourself headboard the HGTV way - or at least we are gonna try! So far this is my inspiration: a pic from a magazine and the fabulous fabric I found in the remnant pile at Hancock Fabric this week! 40% off! Wahoo!

I will update you on this progress as well and hopefully earn some Mistreatment Bling from her Blog! Wish me luck on the Fabric search as I automatically gravitate to the designer fabrics that I can't afford!