After a weekend of stores and walking around we collapsed in exhaustion and got almost nothing done. We have the supplies but the work is still awaiting us! Hopefully not being able to walk through the living room will inspire us to get crackin'!
Have you ever written a letter to someone but never mailed it? You, know...just getting the words off your chest was enough? These are the unmailed letters of moi...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday morning I headed out for some thrifty shopping via a few yard sales. My only treasure from the mornings adventure was this shiny black vase. It was 1 dollar which I thought was a pretty good deal considering there was a $30.00 retail sticker on the bottom from another store. It is modern and will go with much of my living room/ dining room decor. I am still debating on it's home but will be sure to post when I get it arranged.
After my little shopping spree via the yard sale Kyle and I headed out for what would become one looooonnnnnngggg day. It started out with a 2 hour visit to my beloved fabric store where I had picked up the material for my upcoming make it your self headboard project. They were having a 1/2 off one day only weekend sale and I thought it would be the best time to get my curtain fabric (or the only time I could even think about getting the designer fabrics!). Well, as promised their sale was in full swing and it was a pretty busy place on Saturday. Now I know that I am a professional and all but I will be brutally honest with you - at this early point in my career I am way out of my element in a fabric store. I did all the math, I sketched it out, I had a good idea of what I wanted but still I panicked once there. I was trying to get all my materials for my headboard project and my curtains so I was buying thread and upholstery tacks and buttons, foam slabs, batting and something like 16 yards of fabric!! I was stressed. Thankfully a few ladies in line gave me some helpful tips for the headboards and I met someone who recommended me an upholsterer (after I bought my slipcover!). It was a learning experience and a half! Maybe next time I will sashay in there like an old pro. I have to give my husband props for being such a good sport. I was a little tense there for a bit!
Here is my fabric for my curtains. The striped fabric will be long panels and the red will be like a valance above the window. Hopefully I will get going on this tonight. This weekend was a loss after our LONG day of shopping we were wiped out and we ended up grabbing a few extras on Sunday as well which left us getting home at 3:30 after church and shopping and after a shameful 3 hour nap we didn't do much but cook dinner and watch a movie. Movie Plug! Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. It was a great movie with a good story - Kyle and I both enjoyed it a lot.
When my Mom mailed me back my curtains last week she included this great plate rack which I had seen in a shop during our visit to Springfield. It works great with the plate I made at Pottery Patch with the girls a month or so ago( Pottery Post ).
After a weekend of stores and walking around we collapsed in exhaustion and got almost nothing done. We have the supplies but the work is still awaiting us! Hopefully not being able to walk through the living room will inspire us to get crackin'!
After a weekend of stores and walking around we collapsed in exhaustion and got almost nothing done. We have the supplies but the work is still awaiting us! Hopefully not being able to walk through the living room will inspire us to get crackin'!