I am in shock that August is just around the corner. Summer is here and it is HOT! It's Monday morning and boy was it hard to crawl out of bed this morning. It was a busy fun weekend (will post later) and hard to recover for a 6:30 wake up call this morning. It's funny how different the office can be in the summer. We go through more lulls between jobs and things seem to move slower as almost everyone is missing people who are gone on mini vacations and full blown 2 week vacations. Our office is no exception. Last week alone we were about 10 to our normal 16 around here. This morning the conversations are drifting by me, people catching up and sharing about their cruise or their Alaskan adventure, their weekend in New York or at the beach. It's not only the quiet desperation to avoid the Monday work beginning but also that time to catch up and hear what fun things people did and share your own fun stories. It's just so summery around here today.
I am paying for my weekend of fun, in the amount of major back pain. It all caught up with me last night and I slept just horrible tossing and turning only to wake up even worse. I feel like an old old woman today as I am slightly hobbling from a weekend of walking, a bit of dancing, and fun. But, I am here with my blueberry muffin and my cup of green tea and I am trying to revive myself for the week ahead.
Happy Monday!