Well, October is upon us and now is almost out the door and that of course means that many of us are hunting around for the perfect idea for a Halloween Costume. It might be for kids, for an adult or a couple - whatever it is...we are all in search of the perfect costume. Now my family never got into this when I was little so it wasn't until I was a teenager that I ever dressed up for Halloweem - now I just love costumes and I love seeing all the neat ideas and such when the cute little trick or treaters are at the door.
We went to a neighborhood culdesac party (not ours but some friends) and we had to figure out a creative (and cheap!) idea for a couples costume. After perusing the internet a bit I ran a list of ideas past the hubster (aka Kyle) and convinced him that we just had to play along this year. We settled on homemade outfits of condiments.
He would be KETCHUP and I would be MUSTARD.

We found some yellow and red felt at the store and we cut it out to make what looked like giant tank tops that went to our knees.

While we were plotting the construction of our lids we fell upon these little babies in the clearance aisle at Wallymart. It is a silicone angel food pan and guess what?? When you flip it inside out and spray paint it yellow it looks like this!

A mustard container lid!

So, we grabbed the spray paint and some iron on adhesive and iron on paper for the logos of the condiments and we donned our costumes and headed off to make a messy splash at the party!

Here we are as Mustard and Ketchup. Clearly it wasnt a flattering get-up but it sure was funny!

Some of our other friends were in creative costumes as well!

They were Partly Cloudy with a 60% Chance of Rain (he squirted you with the water bottle when he added the last part!) and Green With Envy!

These two came as Flip and Flop! They had posterboard on their backs that was strapped on to look like a flip flop. She even had an authentic piece of gum stuck to her shoe. It was really creative and fun!

the girls

After I was unable to finish our portion of the cornhole tournament Eric stepped in and he and Kyle won the tournament as our team "On your Burger". Here they are with the trophy.

After that they played each other to see who would have the honor of taking the trophy home and Eric won!

It was a really fun time and we were really glad we came.

Ketchup and Mustard