For the past two weeks my hubby and I have been mega cleaning and yes, still unpacking to get our house ready to have visitors! My Mom and her boyfriend are coming to stay for the weekend and I am so excited! I always want the house to be so perfect and it took a lot of work to get it to be ready. Since my back has been hurt I havent been able to really have things the way I want so we finally had to buckle down and get things done. Now we can finally open our house up for friends as well! I love to be a hostess so I can't wait to have some more get togethers at our home after this weekend. We are already planning to possibly host a Thanksgiving Day get together for friends ( a bit before the actual day) as we arent able to go home this year due to increasing airline flights. We wanted to have a bit of Thanksgiving so we are hoping to have it at our house (depending on my surgery) so we can have a bit of the holiday to celebrate like normal even if it will be not normal.
This weekend I am planning on getting stuff together for fall decorating. My Mom and I are going to bust out a wreath for the door and she is going to help me with some tips and motherly advice for the house. I know I know...a designer needs help decorating her house? Well, who do you think I got it from? She is just so good with making things look beautiful. I am trying to wrangle her into getting a blog so she can post her fun projects. That is one of my goals this weekend actually - to persuade her and then help her get it started while she is here! My Dad finally has a political blog that he has wanted to start for a while and I am hoping to give him some tips and things even if it has to be via the old email.
Sorry this is just a little chatty post. I dont have anything to do at work today so I am just hanging out and trying to look as busy as possible so I don't think about how my Mom will be here this evening!!!!!!!!
I am seriously sooo excited! My Mom and I are really close and I miss her like crazy. I have seen her twice this year and it just has not been enough!
Have a happy Friday!