I have never decorated for fall before. This is our first time in a house and the first time I have felt like I have any extra room to spare for seasonal decor. I needed a wreath for my door and My Mom and I got this one put together and I am so excited to be ready for fall!
This container usually has lemons in it but we found this autumn inspired conglomeration with acorns and pine cones and baby pumpkins that gave a fall like spin on my glass container.
Next in our shopping expedition we came upon this glass pumpkin which we thought was so cute. I have a hard time with decorations - while I love what other people do I just can't get into too much of the crafty cute holiday decorations. I think it it my minimalist nature when it comes to knick knacks. I thought this glass pumpkin was simple and fun. I need a few more little accents but I plan to keep it at an elegant minimum (also I plan to build my collection and not do it all in one year) I will probably be more prone to do more when I have kiddos to help out and who are excited about it (so not for a while yet on the explosive fall decorations)!
My Mom also surprised me with a few fun things for the house. I had seen these little white flowers at a store when I had visited her in Springfield and she brought me some! We splashed them around in a few places in the house. This is the guest bathroom:
Another project we tackled was my horrible flower arrangment. I had bought a few things for it and found the great vase at a yard sale and then it has just kind of sat there waiting for me to make it look good. Mom and I hit SoHo once more for some filler to really spruce it up. I take almost no credit at all for the end result.
Thanks Mom!
Contributing to my recent fleur de lis obsession, my Mom brought me this great wine bottle cork. Isn' t it cute? It is wrought iron. She suggests I put it on an empty wine bottle and fill it with dish soap by my sink. I thought that was an adorable idea!
I found this while we were out shopping. I have wanted a recipe book holder for a long time (not because I cook so much but because they are cute and I have wanted one ever since they had one in the Ballard Design catalog). It also keeps the fleur de lis thing going. I don't want to collect only those things but it is kind of like polka dots to me - I just love em'!
I found this little bookend at Ross for like 3 dollars. I brought it home and spray painted it black (of course!). My kitchen really got some sprucing up throughout my Mom's visit.
But, my room got the best of it all! My Mom brought me some vinyl lettering expressions because I had been going on and on about wanting something to go over my headboard. We have some plans in the works for some sconces but this is what we accomplished with the letters and I really love it! In case you can't read it it says, "All because two people fell in love!"
Last but not least we went to the beach. We almost religiously go to Anna Maria but this time we decided that we wanted to show Mike around Clearwater so that is where we headed. It was a cloudy day but still nice and relaxing. I am so happy we were able to go and that the rain held off until later that evening.
The boys played football on the sand and I convinced them both to do the heisman pose so I could post a funny picture! Notice how Mom and I aren't in the beach pics? I'm sure you can agree that we generally don't prefer photos in swimsuits. (wink)

So that was our fun weekend! We had such a blast decorating and hanging out together! I can't wait till we all get to see each other again!