Have you ever written a letter to someone but never mailed it? You, know...just getting the words off your chest was enough? These are the unmailed letters of moi...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What the "hallow" do I wear?
Well, October is upon us and now is almost out the door and that of course means that many of us are hunting around for the perfect idea for a Halloween Costume. It might be for kids, for an adult or a couple - whatever it is...we are all in search of the perfect costume. Now my family never got into this when I was little so it wasn't until I was a teenager that I ever dressed up for Halloweem - now I just love costumes and I love seeing all the neat ideas and such when the cute little trick or treaters are at the door.
We went to a neighborhood culdesac party (not ours but some friends) and we had to figure out a creative (and cheap!) idea for a couples costume. After perusing the internet a bit I ran a list of ideas past the hubster (aka Kyle) and convinced him that we just had to play along this year. We settled on homemade outfits of condiments.
He would be KETCHUP and I would be MUSTARD.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just for Laughs....
I am so sad that I didn't do this at my wedding!
*****I just noticed that this was my 300th post!!! Now that deserves a dance!!*****
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thinking of You
I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It has been a tough few weeks but I am back to work after missing a week and a half as I was on bed rest from the effects of the Myelogram. We are going to another surgeon in a few weeks for a second opinion and we will go from there. Please keep Kyle and I in your prayers. I will try to get back on the blogging trail soon.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I thought I would take a minute from my doctor order bedrest (yes - seriously)
and update my blog friends about the past week. I had autopost on almost all week so I could share some fun things but I have really had a tough week.
The Myelogram was rough. I had a reaction to the iodine and it was pretty icky. In case you don't know ( I sure didn't) a myleogram is a where they inject iodine into the spinal canal and then they move it around in the body and give you a CT scan. My body curled up like a squashed spider when they gave me the iodine and then I started having hallucinations - it was a very emotional, painful and exhaustive day. For the rest of Wednesday and Thursday I was on bedrest and for Wednesday I had to drink 5 million gallons of water and caffinated drinks to get the iodine out of my system. I also had to lay with my head elevated so as to insure that the iodine didn't get to my brain (yes - seriously)
To be frank with you - nothing has ever sucked more.
Friday I went back to work and did okay until around noon when I was having awful pains in my back and was really afraid because there are dangers of infection and things when they put a needle in your spine like that. I was in so much pain I left work and called Kyle crying over the pain (I had held it in a work and I just exploded when I got to my car) who called my doctor who then called me personally and told me to get to the hospital ASAP. The pains I was having were different and scary so I drove myself to Tampa sobbing (drama queen and a half I guess - but dang dang dang was I ever in pain!). Kyle met me there and they did x-rays and examined me and determined I was having severe muscle spasms and radiating pain from my original injury. Seriously. So they sent me home with even more pain medicine and a prescription for bedrest and heat and cold packs for the weekend or until I get to see the surgeon next week.
Geez. I have layed in bed all yesterday and most of today thinking - is this my life?
So I am being a bad patient at the moment but I just hate to crawl back in that bed.
But I guess I have to -
Thanks for listening to my drama and complaining
and update my blog friends about the past week. I had autopost on almost all week so I could share some fun things but I have really had a tough week.
The Myelogram was rough. I had a reaction to the iodine and it was pretty icky. In case you don't know ( I sure didn't) a myleogram is a where they inject iodine into the spinal canal and then they move it around in the body and give you a CT scan. My body curled up like a squashed spider when they gave me the iodine and then I started having hallucinations - it was a very emotional, painful and exhaustive day. For the rest of Wednesday and Thursday I was on bedrest and for Wednesday I had to drink 5 million gallons of water and caffinated drinks to get the iodine out of my system. I also had to lay with my head elevated so as to insure that the iodine didn't get to my brain (yes - seriously)
To be frank with you - nothing has ever sucked more.
Friday I went back to work and did okay until around noon when I was having awful pains in my back and was really afraid because there are dangers of infection and things when they put a needle in your spine like that. I was in so much pain I left work and called Kyle crying over the pain (I had held it in a work and I just exploded when I got to my car) who called my doctor who then called me personally and told me to get to the hospital ASAP. The pains I was having were different and scary so I drove myself to Tampa sobbing (drama queen and a half I guess - but dang dang dang was I ever in pain!). Kyle met me there and they did x-rays and examined me and determined I was having severe muscle spasms and radiating pain from my original injury. Seriously. So they sent me home with even more pain medicine and a prescription for bedrest and heat and cold packs for the weekend or until I get to see the surgeon next week.
Geez. I have layed in bed all yesterday and most of today thinking - is this my life?
So I am being a bad patient at the moment but I just hate to crawl back in that bed.
But I guess I have to -
Thanks for listening to my drama and complaining
Friday, October 10, 2008
Just for kicks!
I didn't post these pics earlier this week because these are things we did prior to my Mom's visit. I just caught back up on some of our little projects and thought I would share the pictures.
We bought this screen at a yard sale for 2 dollars. We took it home and painted it black (how odd for me.) and it really helped that corner of the room look complete. I had to move the picture but it really gave the chair a little more pop. Before it was almost blending with the wall. So now we have some height in the room as well. I am really happy with the results. Please excuse the Rock Band equipment behind the chair....geez
I bought this picture to go in our restroom. Remember the curtains I had made out of wedding table runners? Check it out here. We are using our wedding color which was a deep orange and this picture goes with it beautifully. I got it at Kirklands Home.
I had this project in the works for sometime and it finally came together. I wrapped a board with the orange fabric and then mounted a card we had received for the wedding and a wedding invitation. We actually used this frame on an easel at the wedding so it fits perfectly with our wedding reminiscent bathroom theme.
It only took us 3 months to get the guest room in order. Here is the finished product.

I hope you enjoyed the pics and our little mini renovations. Having a home has been such a fun experience so far. I can't wait till we own a home we can make even more changes too. Or maybe I can! hee hee
Have a great Friday!
We bought this screen at a yard sale for 2 dollars. We took it home and painted it black (how odd for me.) and it really helped that corner of the room look complete. I had to move the picture but it really gave the chair a little more pop. Before it was almost blending with the wall. So now we have some height in the room as well. I am really happy with the results. Please excuse the Rock Band equipment behind the chair....geez
I hope you enjoyed the pics and our little mini renovations. Having a home has been such a fun experience so far. I can't wait till we own a home we can make even more changes too. Or maybe I can! hee hee
Have a great Friday!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
13 Things you can't do when you have a back problem.

Not to be Debby Downer folks but this is my list today. Here are the things I can't do anymore. Somethings I really miss and others...well, let's just say I don't mind too much. I am just so ready to feel better.
1. PAINT MY TOE NAILS ( I guess I will just have to go get a pedicure!)
4. PLAY WITH MY PUPPY IN THE YARD ( This is because I can't bend over to get the toy)
5. GO BOWLING ( this is not a major tragedy since I hate bowling but it can be fun with friends and I would rather play than watch)
8. UNLOAD THE DISHWASHER (What a shame.)
10. EXERCISE ( I miss this - so does my fatty fat tummy!)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
ok..maybe a few words
Monday, October 06, 2008
Gettin' my FALL on
I have never decorated for fall before. This is our first time in a house and the first time I have felt like I have any extra room to spare for seasonal decor. I needed a wreath for my door and My Mom and I got this one put together and I am so excited to be ready for fall!
This container usually has lemons in it but we found this autumn inspired conglomeration with acorns and pine cones and baby pumpkins that gave a fall like spin on my glass container.
Next in our shopping expedition we came upon this glass pumpkin which we thought was so cute. I have a hard time with decorations - while I love what other people do I just can't get into too much of the crafty cute holiday decorations. I think it it my minimalist nature when it comes to knick knacks. I thought this glass pumpkin was simple and fun. I need a few more little accents but I plan to keep it at an elegant minimum (also I plan to build my collection and not do it all in one year) I will probably be more prone to do more when I have kiddos to help out and who are excited about it (so not for a while yet on the explosive fall decorations)!
My Mom also surprised me with a few fun things for the house. I had seen these little white flowers at a store when I had visited her in Springfield and she brought me some! We splashed them around in a few places in the house. This is the guest bathroom:
Another project we tackled was my horrible flower arrangment. I had bought a few things for it and found the great vase at a yard sale and then it has just kind of sat there waiting for me to make it look good. Mom and I hit SoHo once more for some filler to really spruce it up. I take almost no credit at all for the end result.
Thanks Mom!
Contributing to my recent fleur de lis obsession, my Mom brought me this great wine bottle cork. Isn' t it cute? It is wrought iron. She suggests I put it on an empty wine bottle and fill it with dish soap by my sink. I thought that was an adorable idea!
I found this while we were out shopping. I have wanted a recipe book holder for a long time (not because I cook so much but because they are cute and I have wanted one ever since they had one in the Ballard Design catalog). It also keeps the fleur de lis thing going. I don't want to collect only those things but it is kind of like polka dots to me - I just love em'!
I found this little bookend at Ross for like 3 dollars. I brought it home and spray painted it black (of course!). My kitchen really got some sprucing up throughout my Mom's visit.
But, my room got the best of it all! My Mom brought me some vinyl lettering expressions because I had been going on and on about wanting something to go over my headboard. We have some plans in the works for some sconces but this is what we accomplished with the letters and I really love it! In case you can't read it it says, "All because two people fell in love!"
Last but not least we went to the beach. We almost religiously go to Anna Maria but this time we decided that we wanted to show Mike around Clearwater so that is where we headed. It was a cloudy day but still nice and relaxing. I am so happy we were able to go and that the rain held off until later that evening.
The boys played football on the sand and I convinced them both to do the heisman pose so I could post a funny picture! Notice how Mom and I aren't in the beach pics? I'm sure you can agree that we generally don't prefer photos in swimsuits. (wink)

So that was our fun weekend! We had such a blast decorating and hanging out together! I can't wait till we all get to see each other again!
4 hours down, 4 to go...Just another Monday
Blah. I am so exhausted I had to blast my air conditioner on super freeze just to stay awake on the way to work. I had to write notes in a meeting just to stay coherent. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Even now after lunch I am soooo sleepy!
This weekend was really fun! I picked up my Mom and Mike on Friday and we took them to meet Harley and see our house (we had moved since last time they were here) and then Kyle cooked a great dinner on the grill and we spent a nice evening the first night of their visit.
On Saturday the boys played golf while Mom and I did some decorating around the house with a few little gifts she had brought. We went to SoHo and put things together for a Fall wreath for my door and then we did a bit of shopping in the afternoon. We came back home and had a lovely evening once again so happy to have them here for a few days. On Sunday we headed to the beach and then a nice little seafood place called "Crabby Bills". We came home and hung out the rest of the time laughing and playing with Harley. Mom and I had some fun activities to work on for the house and the boys had a blast playing on the Playstation. Kyle was so happy to have Mike there to enjoy playing some of his golf and football games. They went to the airport this morning and we were sad to see them go. This time parting wasn't so bad for me and Mom because we know she will be back soon to stay with me during my back surgery and some of my recovery time.
I will post some pictures soon of the little improvements made to the house, the fall wreath, and some cute pics from their visit.
Even now after lunch I am soooo sleepy!
This weekend was really fun! I picked up my Mom and Mike on Friday and we took them to meet Harley and see our house (we had moved since last time they were here) and then Kyle cooked a great dinner on the grill and we spent a nice evening the first night of their visit.
On Saturday the boys played golf while Mom and I did some decorating around the house with a few little gifts she had brought. We went to SoHo and put things together for a Fall wreath for my door and then we did a bit of shopping in the afternoon. We came back home and had a lovely evening once again so happy to have them here for a few days. On Sunday we headed to the beach and then a nice little seafood place called "Crabby Bills". We came home and hung out the rest of the time laughing and playing with Harley. Mom and I had some fun activities to work on for the house and the boys had a blast playing on the Playstation. Kyle was so happy to have Mike there to enjoy playing some of his golf and football games. They went to the airport this morning and we were sad to see them go. This time parting wasn't so bad for me and Mom because we know she will be back soon to stay with me during my back surgery and some of my recovery time.
I will post some pictures soon of the little improvements made to the house, the fall wreath, and some cute pics from their visit.
Friday, October 03, 2008
two poems in one week?
Tracy at Miller Manor invited me to join a little poetry challenge today so this is my little addition to the fun!
I need to write a poem
To post upon my blog
The last one that I posted
Was all about my dog
It has be happy and clever
It needs to have some rhyme
I just have to think of a topic
I seem to have the time
My poem could be about love
Or I could write something about life
I could throw something in about nature?
Or maybe something about strife?
Maybe it could be a haiku
But, then I have always loved prose
I think romance is my topic
I could begin with ‘Thou Art a Rose’
And yet that seems a bit stuffy
I want something somewhat lighter
Perhaps my poem about something
Will turn me into a writer
Now wasn't that fun? Go ahead and play along if you would like - Just link back to Tracy so everyone can share!
I need to write a poem
To post upon my blog
The last one that I posted
Was all about my dog
It has be happy and clever
It needs to have some rhyme
I just have to think of a topic
I seem to have the time
My poem could be about love
Or I could write something about life
I could throw something in about nature?
Or maybe something about strife?
Maybe it could be a haiku
But, then I have always loved prose
I think romance is my topic
I could begin with ‘Thou Art a Rose’
And yet that seems a bit stuffy
I want something somewhat lighter
Perhaps my poem about something
Will turn me into a writer
Now wasn't that fun? Go ahead and play along if you would like - Just link back to Tracy so everyone can share!
Ramble Ramble...
For the past two weeks my hubby and I have been mega cleaning and yes, still unpacking to get our house ready to have visitors! My Mom and her boyfriend are coming to stay for the weekend and I am so excited! I always want the house to be so perfect and it took a lot of work to get it to be ready. Since my back has been hurt I havent been able to really have things the way I want so we finally had to buckle down and get things done. Now we can finally open our house up for friends as well! I love to be a hostess so I can't wait to have some more get togethers at our home after this weekend. We are already planning to possibly host a Thanksgiving Day get together for friends ( a bit before the actual day) as we arent able to go home this year due to increasing airline flights. We wanted to have a bit of Thanksgiving so we are hoping to have it at our house (depending on my surgery) so we can have a bit of the holiday to celebrate like normal even if it will be not normal.
This weekend I am planning on getting stuff together for fall decorating. My Mom and I are going to bust out a wreath for the door and she is going to help me with some tips and motherly advice for the house. I know I know...a designer needs help decorating her house? Well, who do you think I got it from? She is just so good with making things look beautiful. I am trying to wrangle her into getting a blog so she can post her fun projects. That is one of my goals this weekend actually - to persuade her and then help her get it started while she is here! My Dad finally has a political blog that he has wanted to start for a while and I am hoping to give him some tips and things even if it has to be via the old email.
Sorry this is just a little chatty post. I dont have anything to do at work today so I am just hanging out and trying to look as busy as possible so I don't think about how my Mom will be here this evening!!!!!!!!
I am seriously sooo excited! My Mom and I are really close and I miss her like crazy. I have seen her twice this year and it just has not been enough!
Have a happy Friday!
This weekend I am planning on getting stuff together for fall decorating. My Mom and I are going to bust out a wreath for the door and she is going to help me with some tips and motherly advice for the house. I know I know...a designer needs help decorating her house? Well, who do you think I got it from? She is just so good with making things look beautiful. I am trying to wrangle her into getting a blog so she can post her fun projects. That is one of my goals this weekend actually - to persuade her and then help her get it started while she is here! My Dad finally has a political blog that he has wanted to start for a while and I am hoping to give him some tips and things even if it has to be via the old email.
Sorry this is just a little chatty post. I dont have anything to do at work today so I am just hanging out and trying to look as busy as possible so I don't think about how my Mom will be here this evening!!!!!!!!
I am seriously sooo excited! My Mom and I are really close and I miss her like crazy. I have seen her twice this year and it just has not been enough!
Have a happy Friday!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Thirteen Fun Fortune Cookie Fortunes
I love fortune cookies! I actually save them with the thought that someday I will think of something cool to do with them. I have always saved them and I think it's fun to look back through a box of memories and find little slips of paper fortunes that I liked and wanted to save.
Anyone else love fortune cookies? Here are 13 I found that I thought were inspiring, funny and sweet. Enjoy! I think I might go get some chinese take-out for lunch!
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Anyone else love fortune cookies? Here are 13 I found that I thought were inspiring, funny and sweet. Enjoy! I think I might go get some chinese take-out for lunch!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Puppy Poem

This morning, I woke up & kissed my Dad's head.
I peed on the carpet, then went back to bed.
"The life of a puppy, oh my, this is great."
Then I thought about breakfast, "I hope it's not late."
Mom took me outside, we walked for a while.
This never fails to make Mama smile.
I sniffed of everything, that we did pass,
I ate something weird - it gave me gas.
I'm sure God loves me, I know that is true.
He gave me so many great things to chew.
Rugs, plants or rocks, I really don't care.
What I truely like best, is Dad's underwear.
That obedience book, was sort of yummy.T
hough it didn't sit well on my poor puppy tummy.
I threw up a bit, but that was all right.
When Mom found it later, I was well out of sight.
I made streamers of T.P, while running at full speed.
Mom is pretty quick - but I was still in the lead.
I flew under the bed, and Mom flew past,
She stopped-shook her head, and breathed, "You're too fast."
Mama later phoned Daddy, and said, "it was frightening!
"That afternoon, she was sure I'd pooped lightening.
She'd sat at the computer, while I chewed the cord,
She thought I was mad, but I was just bored.
When Mama had enough, couldn't take anymore,
That's when my tushy got shoved out the door.
I love it inside, but outside is best.
Lay in the cool grass, and had a good rest.
That didn't last long, there was too much to do-
Can't quite remember where I hid Daddy's shoe.
I found an old bone, and scratched at a flea,
I watched the dumb squirrels as they jumped in a tree.
I barked at the kids, when they got off the bus.
I can't figure out why this makes Mama fuss.
I barked at the neighbor, I barked at the wind.
I barked and I barked, till Mom yelled,"Come in!"
The sun dipped in the west - soon Daddy would come!
I sure love my Daddy: We always have fun.
I barked at my Daddy, then turned on my charms,
I woo-wooed,"Hello", then jumped in his arms.
Sitting under the table - it's so hard to wait.
Daddy slipped me a goodie right off his plate.
I raced through the house, and scattered my toys,
Ricocheted off the furniture, and made lots of noise.
Mom found her purse - the one I abused.
Daddy let loose a chuckle. Mom asked "Amused?"
I cowered down low, I must be in trouble.
Dad said, "Wasn't my boy, it must be his double!"
Mom turned off the TV, and said, "Time for bed."
Dad said "Let's go boy," and patted my head.
I got in my spot, between Mom and Dad,
I thought 'bout my day and what fun I had.
Mama kicked out my bone from under the covers below.
Then let loose a sigh - a sigh deep and low.
She gave me a kiss, and snuggled me tight,
And whispered so softly, "my darling goodnight."
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