"Life is so full of meaning and purpose, so full of beauty--beneath its covering--that you will
find that earth but cloaks your heaven"
-Fra Giovanni
I think I post this every Febuary 12th as I have been using the same quote calendar since high school. cuz, you know that was like a millenium ago...
So, yes lately my blogs have been few and far between. Life has really been crazy lately and especially this weekend cuz it was Kyle's birthday. I am still trying to convince him that a birthday needs more than one day of celebration. Thankfully he liked my gift ( I was defintely nervous) - I got him a black leather recliner (clearly I am marrying an old man). No one has ever loved a gift more or at least made me feel like he loved it. It was fun and tonight I am going to decorate the cake I made him and we are going to have a mini party just us - as we celebrated last night with friends at P.F. Changs the supreme birthday celebrating place. I seem to remember several good celebrations there in the past.
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE and I can't wait til' Valentines!
So, here is what has been going on in the realm of Leslie
For the last two weeks I have been absorbed in two books. The bookclub agreed to read THE SHINING (oooohhhh!!! oooooo!) and while at the book store I happened upon a cute little Jane Austen esque' novel and immediately was absorbed in it. By the next weekend I was ravenous for the sequel which meant I was back to Barnes and Noble in search of it. Great books - an author basically took pride and prejudice and wrote novels on the supposed lives of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's 5 daughters. Really good if you like that old Englishy type of book. So finally I am onto THE SHINING (ooooohhh!!! ooooo!) although I looked longingly at the other book I bought at Barnes and Noble (which needs a nickname by the way) which is Don Quixote which I am really excited about!!!! So that is where I have been lately - with my nose in a book.
Also I have been planning Kyles birthday stuff, staring at Bridal magazines, and planning Valentines Day fun as well.
well, I better get back work-I promise I will try to get back into some kind of blogging routine and not become a walking library if I can help it.
Oh yeah, you probably want the Tofu story right? So, we were sitting at the bar at PF Changs waiting for our friends to arrive when this guy sitting next to us and Kyle start chatting (this happens everywhere with Kyle- he's that guy- hee hee.) so this guy is from Montreal, yada yada yada...he gets his food and Kyle asks what it is and it is Tofu with some Sechuan sauce. Kyle makes some comment about how he has never tried it and before we know it we have plates of tofu. This nice canadian insists that we try the tofu. Who does this? Well, it was pretty funny and the Tofu really wasn't too bad. I would order it if I suddenly became anti chicken.
I have always wanted to end a blog with the words, "anti chicken"
anti chicken.