Okay, my diet (what diet?) is in major trouble! I have discovered a chick-fil-a in Lakeland. Woe is me. Two days in a row....
Well, another week is behind us and a great weekend ahead of us. This weekend is the annual Kiwanis Pancake Festival which one of the partners at the firm gives us tickets too. This weekend also brings new tires for my car (cha-ching)-BLAH!
And dinner with some friends on Sunday. Tonight I will do what I can to sway my sweetheart into going to a movie. I love the movies and we don't go too often but when we do I want to go all the time! Last weekend we saw "Because I said So" with Diane Keaton and Mandy Moore and Lorelai Gilmore (hee hee, Gilmore fans).
So, I must now comment on one of my fave shows that my friend Heath said was one of her faves the other day:
What about Brian?
So does anyone not love this show? I am soooo addicted. At first I was uninterested having already been caught up into sooo many shows and my DVR about to melt from recording sitcom after sitcom. (BY THE WAY: how great is it that sitcoms are back and reality TV is calming down.) So I love this show! For all you watchers out there I have a question- Do we like Bridgette? Sometimes I feel like we are supposed to and then other times I just...don't. Plus it bothers me that she did this 180 from her original character on the show. Also can I just say that Ivy is maybe my favorite. Okay- I just had to gab for a minute about my show-
Have a happy Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday-
(I am listening to "the electric slide", it just came on my music - boogie woogie woogie)
It's Electric!......