Friday, February 02, 2007


So my last blog was the Tuesday before last - and suddenly here we are in February! Sorry I have been out of commission fellow bloggers - I tend to do my blogging at work in free time or at lunch and I have been insanely busy lately (a flip from the last month of doing nothing but planning the wedding from 8 to 5). It is a relief to have work - but of course it is exhausting and I just have not been online at all, even though I sit at a computer all day. But, here I am with a few moments and I thought I would blog a bit. But, soon I will have to stop blogging around and get back to work. hee hee, the word "blog" is fun.

So, not much has happened since we last spoke. Sorry for leaving the RANT up for so long (in black type too, how uncouth of me!) - its depressing just looking at it. So far the situation is over but honestly it is far from resolved. I have learned an interesting thing about myself though and I don't really think it is a good thing. I am totally Intolerant. If someone loses my respect, then its like I just wipe the slate clean and move on. I mean not if I was invested in these people but, just that they aren't sorry and show no intention of change and the only thing dicussed in length was everyone trying to make it sound better than it was. I have been accused of over reacting but the truth is that what happened is something I will not tolerate in my life. So, thats it for me. I am completely intolerant with certain situations. Of course in the future and even now I hold no ill will towards them, I am just choosing to take a different path, one that goes in a different direction than theirs. I will see them on Sundays and that will be all there is, a friendly nod and a smile.

On wedding news-
We have as I said before chose the place and day for the BIG DAY. And now I have come to
a screeching halt as far as wedding planning goes. I need a break. I think I have a bit of time to kick back and relax - I need some diversion.

A few prayer requests- ( I never thought of doing this but what a great place!)
Please keep my Mom in your prayers as she is having some health troubles and is worried.
My brother is in Canada working for a few months with his company. Eh? He is away from his little wifey and they could both use some prayers as it is hard to be apart for so long.
Dad could use prayers too as he continues to recover from his knee replacement surgery.
On the good news side -
Kyle's test results came back on a skin issue and it was benign so all is well there.
Please keep Kyle and I both in your prayers as far as our relationship with God and each other .
Also our lifegroup situation and where God wants us to be with our church.

Well, I wish everyone a good weekend and a very Happy Groundhog's Day of course!

Has anyone NOT seen The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet...and Jude Law?
If not then you should run not walk to the theater! Fun link below-

Go to this link, enter the site, and click on Make a Movie Trailer of Your Life (very fun)

Here's mine!

(note: I saw this forever ago- I am just getting around to talking about it)

Lots of love from the land of tornadoes,hurricanes,shark,alligators and of course...

yours truly,
