First I just have to say that I was so surprised to find out how many people were lurking around my little blog here! I couldn’t believe it! I am touched by your kind words about my writing, etc and I hope you keep reading and now that I know you read I will have to come and visit your blogs as well.
It’s finally Friday here at Reflections of Moi and I have to tell you that it is not looking like too much of anything is going on today. As I sit here at my desk typing my post in Microsoft Word (cuz...it looks more professional than blogger) I am wondering what today is going to bring.
The past few weeks have been beyond slow and as you know from recent posts- I am slowly losing my mind. I try to make up little routines that I go through each morning to take up time and make me feel busy:
First when I get in I make my oatmeal in my coffee cup (2 min.) and then I come back to my desk and check my work and personal email (30 min.), then I eat my morning pear (not to be confused with my after lunch pear) (hmmm..2 min.) and then I take care of any mail that I have that needs to go out today (0-5 minutes). Okay, so seeing as how I was 4 minutes late today that puts me at about...hmmm…8:38 am or if there was lots of mail 8:43 am. Only 7 hours and change to go! Not including my hour lunch of course where I used to check my personal email, blog, watch TV online, or read. Now, because I wrote this post I am now at 9 am so…things are looking up!
Now, let’s see…what else can I schedule for today? I was thinking about a good day dream that I could have around 10:30 or so…something with Jon Krazinski or Robert Pattinson or maybe just about shopping! Yeah I could probably daydream for about 10 minutes or so as long as the phone doesn’t ring.
So what shall I do between 9am (which is now) and 10:30am when I have tentatively scheduled my daydream? I could probably spend a good hour reading blogs and maybe another half hour writing some advance posts for another blog…Let’s see here now I have to get from 10:40 to lunch at noon:
String all paperclips together into fashionable necklace (4 min.)
Color nails in with different colored highlighters (6 min.)
Stare at wall and dream about being photographed in magazine for design work (7 ½ min.)
Make cup of tea (24 min. – you know, cuz I will wonder thru the office and have various office type conversations…and then sipping and smelling the tea…)
Reverse post-it pads configuration into accordion …(10 min.)
Stare at color selections for project and look busy (5 min.)
Cancel magazine subscription (2 min.)
Read all yahoo articles of the day (11 min.)
Text message Mom (2 min.)
Go to barnes and noble online and pick out books I want to read soon (6.5 min.)
Text message Mom back (2 min.)
Oh, thank goodness! It’s noon. Are you all exhausted? Me too…eat lunch (7 min.) and nap at desk to rest up for Girl's Game Night tonight (53 min. if the phone doesn’t ring)….
Only 4 hours to go! Please let me know if you have any suggestions of what I might do with my spare time - Don’t hold back; next week is a 40 hour week…(sigh)…