I guess there isn't much need to worry about that now...
Well, kids it is Friday and I am so happy. This week has been a bit of a challenge but all is well and good and it is Friday! I brought in the holiday (sometimes Friday just seems that special!) with some Wii playing last night - we actually were having so much fun that we missed The Office which we will have to catch up on via the website now. It was worth it though - we really had a good time. I also drank a few glasses of wine..sooooo I really had fun playing the Wii!
I am pretty sure that I danced around the room when I kicked his butt at bowling...but, I might have done that either way.
We have such a good time together - there is really no one else I would rather spend time with. Love you honey!
Not much else to chat about so I will just wish you all a happy Friday and a fabulous weekend!
And don't forget to adjust your clocks for daylight savings time!