Tova Darling is starting up a great new meme for Tuesdays. Click here for the first Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesdays!
Here is the explanation from Tova:
"So, here's how it's going to work. Every Tuesday (or whenever you find yourself without anything else to post on a Tuesday), all of my readers (and even people who don't read my blog - I won't discriminate) can post a Totally Awkward story on their blogs. Then, leave a comment telling me you've participated, and also link to my blog from yours, and I'll include a link to your blog in my post - that way, we can all cringe/laugh /die of shame together!Your awkward story can be anything - something awkward you saw, you did, or you were unwittingly a part of; the most awkward moment of your week or the most awkward moment of your life. If this doesn't work out, it's ok with me. I'll just change the name to Tova's Totally Nonexistent Tuesdays."
Here we go!
Well, mine is a college story like Tova's as well. Let me set the scene here so you can grasp the full picture of my humiliation. Freshman Year in college. First day of classes. 8:00 am - First Class. First Day of First Class of College--EVER. Are you grasping?
So, I was a theatre major my first year and my first class was in a black box theater which is just a large room that is painted black and is set up for small play productions with limited or no set. They had on one side stadium seating with desks to create the audience and the performance space on the other side. I walk into the class. The seating area is a movable unit or platform with levels for the seats. I walk up the steps and grab a seat on the side. I am confident. I am a college student. I am excited. I am nervous. I am falling off the side of the platform onto the floor. My desk falls on top of me. (the fall was about 2 feet) and then my bag that I had set beside me fell on top of the desk which was still lying on top of me.
How is that for awkward?
Are you still laughing? Okay..Okay...have your laugh.
Okay...that's enough.
(Heather! You must play along! I already have yours. Picture the same black box theater.....are you picturing it? Kinesiology anyone?....)