Hello everyone! Hope you had a FABulous Thanksgiving Day! Ours was different but we made it as special and memorable as possible. Kyle cooked us a meal with all the traditional thanksgiving food! He is such an Allstar in the kitchen! Here he is setting the table.

I was DENIED entry into the kitchen so I settled for watching the entire Macy's Day parade and hanging out in my pajamas while he slaved away in the kitchen. Here is our little turkey cooking in the oven! Yum!!!

So..it wasn't like Momma does it but it was our own. Some of the food came from packages and not from scratch but you know what! It was delicious! We ate and ate and ate (and actually sat at our table!) and then we fell asleep watching Home for the Holidays. We woke up a looooonnnggg time later and had some pie and rewatched the movie since we had slept through it! I even made a pajama run to the store to get a newspaper to cruise the Black Friday deals!
We didn't actually get around to shopping on Friday until almost noon but we still found some great deals! I got really cheap ribbon and wrapping paper at Michaels and Old Time Pottery. And we scored some 4 dollars DVD's at Target ( I got Juno by recent fave movie!), we had some lunch and then showed up after the sale was over to get the big deal we had decided on. A new eliptical machine so we can get in shape! They gave us the sales price anyways though and we got the last one they had! We were psyched as we hauled it home to squeeze it into our office?
Sooooo..I know you are wondering if I have used it yet?..hee hee..everyone knows you can't start anything on a holiday weekend..or a Monday..hee hee..
Tonight is the night! I am gonna break it in and get this old body in shape! Or I am going to attempt to and pray that it doesn't upset my back.

Harley tried a little bit of turkey on Thanksgiving and basically slept and did nothing with us as we layed around.

On Saturday Kyle hung up our Black Friday deal icicle lights and I refinished a dresser I had found at a Yard sale the week before - it turned out gorgeous (check back tomorrow for pics!)

So, we really relaxed and enjoyed our holiday weekend. It was kind of rough coming back to work on Monday but I am pretty refreshed and filled with the holiday spirit. Bring on Christmas!!