Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thirteen Things I am Thankful For

There is something in every season, in every day, to celebrate
with Thanksgiving.
-Gloria Gaither

1. I am thankful for my husband and our life together

2. I am thankful for my little puppy, Harley who has brought so much happiness to us both.

3. I am thankful for my family and the people who love me

4. I am thankful for snickerdoodle ice cream by Blue Bell

5. I am thankful for cool fall days

6. I am thankful for music - it has such a powerful effect on my mood.

7. I am thankful for a good job and a good career

8. I am thankful for the friendships we have been blessed with here in Florida

9. I am thankful for blue jeans and casual fridays

10. I am thankful for SPANX

11. I am thankful for this blog and the connection it gives me to my friends and the ability it gives me to make new friends and the outlet it gives me to express myself.

12. I am thankful for the health and safety of my family and friends

13. I am thankful for online shopping

Yes, some were serious while others were funny but they were all true. Have a great day!

What are you thankful for?

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