I know it has been a week but I have just got around to uploading my Halloween pics! I had to show you pics of my little firefighter puppy! We had friends over to our house for a little Halloween party. We handed our candy to mobs of children who were trick or treating and had a good time visiting and munching on our party fare.

Here is Brandon with our little costumed pups. On the left is my Harley and on the right is Sadie who came as a prison inmate. She was sooo cute!

Here is my dessert I made for the party in my new trifle bowl. It was a Creamy Pumpkin Trifle!
It had cheesecake filling and a pumpkin spice cake with whipped topping. Yum!

Here is my pumpkin stack! I saw this on Martha and mine wasn't as cute as hers but I liked the idea and had fun carving it out!

We sipped some Spooky Cider and munched on Cider Cheeese fondue . Harley and Sadie had a lot of fun but then we found little Harley snoozing on our bed. I guess all the company just wore him out!

The boys were entertained with the playstation. We kept looking over at them surprised out how involved they all were in the games. Boys are sooo silly.

We had fun with some girl talk and Liar's Dice, Yahtzee, and then our favorite: NERTS!

It was a really fun night and were so happy to finally have our home filled with friends. We can't wait until the next gathering that we get to host! Good thing it's the holiday season! Hope you enjoyed the party pics!