I have been plotting to make a headboard for our bed for about a year now and there was always a reason to hold off on it. Once in the new house it has just been a matter of time and undoing the laziness. On Sunday I tackled the project having gathered the materials a month ago and having Kyle cut the plywood a few weeks ago. Anyways we finally got it all set up and ready to do and I made Kyle watch an HGTV show I had TVO'd where they made a similar one to what I had dreamed up in my head (earlier post about headboard dream
So we got started on the big project by first marking out the locations for the buttons we were going to add for a "tufted" look. We marked out the spots and then drilled (with the smallest drillbit ever!) the holes. Next we took the plywood and foam to the garage so we could attach them with spray adhesive. The next step was to wrap the board in batting so the tufting would work later on with the buttons. We stapled the batting down and then added the glorious fabric I had found:

Here are some of our supplies!

This is what Harley was doing while we worked on our project! Isnt't he sweet? Actually this is what he did for about 10 seconds and the rest of the time he was stealing the tape measure and my buttons!

After we applied the fabric and stapled it down we began adding the buttons that I had bought. They are blank buttons that you attach your fabric to with this clever little button making kit. Super fun to do and then I didnt have to worry about matching the buttons. We had a slight hiccup in this stage because we realized we only had nine buttons as we had originally planned to make the headboard with eight and they come in packs of three. So, we had to put the project on hold for a day or so till I could get more buttons. So, Monday night we added the last buttons and the picture hanging hooks we had purchased to mount it to the wall and Voila!

I am looking for the perfect thing to mount over the headboard for that finishing touch! I am debating between and iron work piece of maybe those vinyl lettering details from Upper Case Living. I also feel like there should be something on either side...any ideas?

Harley just loves the attention. Plus he was napping on the bed and was woken up for the picture taking.

He kind of matches the room! I think I'll keep him!

Okay Okay...one last pic! A close up so you can see the tufting and the sheen of the fabric which really makes it look nice I think. Thanks for stopping by to see my little project. Whew! I can't believe it is done. Now onto curtains for this room...Hmmmmm....do I feel a visit to the fabric store after lunch???? Hmmmm.....I think I do!!!