Well, I know this blog was slow coming (forgive me as I have been sick all week and still going strong...) but I wanted to share some of my birthday fun with you. My loving and adorable husband made me these delicious cupcakes to celebrate the special day!

Here he is sprinkling them with LOVE (and sprinkles!) In my world Sprinkles can equal LOVE!

After cupcakes we headed to the outlet malls for a wonderful birthday gift of a SHOPPING SPREE! My dream come true! It was really fun and afterwards we headed to our favorite putt-putt course for some more fun. We love to putt-putt and when we go we play 36 holes! Although half way through the 2nd 18 we were sweating buckets and rethinking our decision. Here is Kyle with his first Hole in One of the day!

Getting ready to putt!

And here he is with his second Hole in One! I only made one Hole in One and my picture is less than spectacular so I will withhold it as I am in control of the picture sharing!
After Kyle beat me at our putt putt game we headed to dinner at Texas Longhorn (which we have really started to love) and had a lovely very filling dinner followed by a movie. We went to see.....

The movie was wonderful and even Kyle loved it! can you believe it girls? I musical that I man actually likes? I stared at him in disbelief as he chuckled through the movie! Loved it! A must see!!!
And that was my delightful and as close to perfect as possbile..25th birthday celebration!