Have you ever written a letter to someone but never mailed it? You, know...just getting the words off your chest was enough? These are the unmailed letters of moi...
Friday, August 29, 2008
The New Hair-DO!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thirteen Things to do in South Dakota

As many of you may know, my husband is from South Dakota. We are planning a trip to go see his parents and spend some time with them this fall. Sadly we won't be able to take Harley with us (cost, hassle, and too long of a flight) so he will be spending a fun time with our friends and their puppy. We are really lucky to be blessed with some friends who are actually excited to puppy sit for us for a few days. Harley is such a charmer. Anywhoo- Kyle has been planning out the trip and what we will do while we are there. I have been there I think 3 or 4 different times but always at Christmastime in the dead of winter. I am talking -14 degrees here folks! And we live in Florida so it is quite a shock to kick off those flip flops and pull on 2 layers of flannel and snow boots! This will be my first time to go before it gets all frigid up there! So I am going to get to see some of the sights that are usually blanketed by a few feet of snow during my visit. So, here are 13 things that I will be doing in South Dakota:
1. Going to see the Badlands Badlands National Park
Did I mention my husband is from Deadwood, South Dakota? Did anyone see the HBO series called "Deadwood"? It was based on his hometown. It is an old western gold mining town famous for being the place where the legendary Wild Bill Hickock was killed in the Number 10 saloon. For a brief history:Deadwood
3. Mouth Mariah CemeteryI am not going to lie and say I want to go here. It creeps me out and I am against it.
However my husband insists that it is a part of the history of the town and a necessary visit.
4.White Rocks "White rocks are the rim rocks that look over deadwood" - Kyle in an email to my after I could not find info for this description. It is a favorite local site.
5. Southern Hills
6. Mt. Rushmore I took this picture! I had been once when I was younger so we didn't go inside the Memorial when Kyle and I went. I kind of hope we do this time. Anyone seen National Treasure 2? Yeah...I want to treasure hunt!
I did not take this one!
7. Devil's Bathtub

8. Spearfish Canyon

"This is Spearfish Canyon, a breathtaking 20-mile-long gulch at the northern edge of South Dakota’s Black Hills. Treasured in summer by fly fishermen for its blue-ribbon stream and prized as a haven for cross-country skiers in winter, Spearfish Canyon becomes a leaf-peeper’s paradise in between, clothed by a veritable rainbow of fall colors. " (borrowed from above link)
9. Terry Peak Lookout
A few fun Terry Peak facts:
- Terry Peak is 7,076 feet in elevation with a vertical drop of 1,100 feet.
- Terry Peak is one of the highest peaks between the Rockies and the Alps.
- Terry Peak receives an average of 150 inches of snow each season.
- Kyle and I carved our names at the top the first time he took me there! We plan to go back and visit our initials. When we carved them we were just dating and now we have almost been married a year!
10. Homestake Gold Mine
The Homestake Gold Mine was one of the early enterprises associated with the Gold Rush of 1876 in the northern Black Hills of what was then Dakota Territory.
11. Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse Memorial, home of the world’s largest mountain sculpture in progress, is in the Black Hills of South Dakota on U.S. Highway 16/385 just 17 miles southwest
"The Old Style Style Saloon #10 is a living museum - maybe the only one in the world with a full bar - where you can view of historical western and mining camp artifacts spanning over 100 years that we've collected during our 50-plus years in business. "
13. Main Street

For a timeline of Deadwood's unique history ( I know you are out there history buffs!)

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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A few tidbits of randomness just to get started...
I wish I had had my camera as he peeked out from under the collapsed panel...it was priceless.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mad about Mistreatments!
Hope you enjoyed my mistreatment! I had so much fun making them! Although I am dreaming of the day I will actually buy and learn to use a sewing machine so I can make these a bit easier. Iron on adhesive has its drawbacks. Thanks for stopping by!
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Also....I am going to get my hair done today (it has been FOREVER and a day) and I am so excited. I am hoping to do something kind of daring and different - but, I am almost positive that I will do something I have done before..just to be safe. I don't know why I am scared to be brave with my hair..I used to be kind of fearless! Now I am vain about the length and dont want to be kicking myself for chopping it off in some Victoria Beckham bob- because I soooo know that I would! Anywhoo! Thanks for stopping by and check in later this week for my big reveal of my window mistreatments (and kids some major mistreating has occurred!!) and my new hairdo!
happy tuesday!
Friday, August 22, 2008
(sigh) so glad it's Friday....

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thirteen Things To Love about a Puppy
1. The jumping up and down, running circles around you and overall excitement when you walk in the door.
2. When they lay down and fall asleep on your lap.
3. Following you around the house everywhere you go just because they want to be with you.
4. Staring at you in the kitchen until you come into the living room and sit down so they can eat. Harley did this to me yesterday. He would not eat his dinner until I came with him into the living room and sat next to Kyle. It was adorable.
5. When they wake you up my stepping on your head as they curl up on your pillow. Hmmm...not as adorable as the last one.
6. Their puppy smell (the good one...not the bad one...)
7. The way he hops around the yard like a rabbit when he plays outside.
8. How he gets super sleepy after you play with him for a while.
9. When he looks up at you with those sweet puppy eyes...
10. When he thinks he sees another puppy in the glass on the entertainment center! Sooo funny!
11. When he bites his tail and won't let go and turns in circles and does somersaults! Also very funny!
12. When he runs up to you and puts his paws on your leg and waits for his treat after he has gone outside.
13. How he is the sweetest most adorable puppy in the whole world!
Now, just for fun here are some pics of the cute little thing now! This was his first bath.
Here he is with Kyle! I don't think he loved the bath too much.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dreams and Headboards really DO come true!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Disky Situation...
Well, my back problems are nothing new to my readers here but I thought I would take a post and devote it to my back situation in case you are not familiar with herniated discs. This injury is from a car accident I was in in February of this year. I have been to doctors, chirpractors, orthopedists, neurologists, and pain management specialists. Basically at this point they have told me that yes I have an herniated disk but that they will not perform surgery because I am still able to function and because I am too young. The bad news is that I am in pain daily and all my daily activities and basically my entire life has been altered due to the injury. Last week I had a Steroid Epidural Injection in my back. If it does not work then I will have to learn to live with the problem until it is bad enough to receive surgery (ugh). Surgery is the last thing I want but, the pain and affect on my life are also awful. So I am really hoping that this last shot helps me. I was MIA last week mainly from being sick (thats a whole other blog as I am still sick) and then this shot which required checking into the hospital althought the actual procedure was very short. I am on some pain pills to get me over the pain of the shot in my spine and in the next few days to a week I am supposed to be feeling the glorious results of the epidural. Here are some pictures I found that can explain exactly what my pain is coming from.
Please say a prayer this week that this shot will help. I have this dream that I will soon return to a normal life of a 25 year old. Or at least a semi normal life. This will be my new slogan:
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Birthday Fun!
The movie was wonderful and even Kyle loved it! can you believe it girls? I musical that I man actually likes? I stared at him in disbelief as he chuckled through the movie! Loved it! A must see!!!