There is just nothing like a good old fashioned Friday is there? I mean, there is just a feeling of Zen and excitement over the coming weekend and that fabulous knowledge that there is no work for the next two days!
And that is why I can sit here at my desk with a large smile on my face as I draw interior elevations of a school's restroom. On any other day that smile might not be so content - But today my friends, is Friday and I am ever so grateful.
This weekend proves to be one of interest. Kyle and I will be waking at the crack of dawn tomorrow in order to drive to Clearwater for an all day deep sea fishing expedition with his work (who has planned and sponsored the event). There will be quite a few people and it should be quite an adventure. I am sure we will be lazy on Sunday as we recover from a day in the sun and on the water. I am not much of a fisherman and I do not touch bait so I am sure I will have quite a row of teasing to deal with but I am set on enjoying the time. I will take my camera so I have pictures to share of our sea adventure.
Well, I think that about sums up my Friday. I am fairly sure we will be staying in tonight as tomorrow will be an early day.
Have a fun and safe weekend!