After that excitement we headed home to chop up our fruit and take a big bowl of it to our friend's Cul-De-Sac Party in Riverview. It had originally been a whole neighborhood get together but some confusion about the holiday left it being our lifegroup get together with the promise of the bigger gathering rescheduled in a few weeks.

Here are Becky and James posing for their opponent picture ( we took ones of each team but I thought this one was pretty funny).
We also had a battle of RockBand while we were there this was Girls VS. Boys and the guys won, but they played for about an hour and we never practiced and only lost by a few points. This pic is the husbands dancing in the back claiming to be our band groupies. Inbetween the Cornhole and Rockband, Becky taught us gals a new card game called NERTS, we loved it and played very competetivly until about 1:30 in the morning before we all started getting sleepy and had to call it a night - with the promise of another NERTS competetion soon. It is basically a combination of speed and solitaire, I can't wait to share it with more people as it was a LOT of fun. We all found that we were big card fans a thing we did not know we had in common previously.
It was a great night and everyone really enjoyed themselves and the company. Our fruit bowl with fruit dip was an enormous hit as well and at the end of the night Doug was laying claim to the leftovers!