Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Well kiddos, I have been silent for a bit and honestly it has been due completely to
work. We are on a major deadline to finish an Elementary School and it is meaning nights and weekends until it gets wrapped up - which is supposedly Thursday but, I have a feeling that that is merely a dream but definetly one I would hope for.
Not much else has been going basically church, work, lifegroup, work...you get the picture.

As far as wedding stuff nothing much to report EXCEPT the super exciting upcoming trip to Oklahoma!!! I am soo pumped to see my Bridesmaids and FINALLY go dress shopping with them and my Mom. I mean, everyone keeps asking and even I can't believe I am planning a wedding without having a dress yet or anything. It has been a completely different experience (planning a wedding) than I thought it would be, it is fun though even though there are stressful moments. I am happy to report that Accomodations are finalized for the family and basically I think it is just fun stuff left! I will be home in 3 weeks!! Miss you girls!! (p.s. bookclub - what are we reading next?)

A few prayer requests:
Kyle is doing some surveying this week for work and he has to do it at night which is really odd but it is the only way to go about this project they are doing. Please just pray that he is safe and that he can get the rest he needs so he can get his work done and have a happy week and make it to Lifegroup on Wednesday!

Praise Report! My brother got back from Canada this past weekend and he is sooo glad to be home after almost 3 months of being gone!

That's all for now! Lots of love and take care!
