Well it's festival time again in this little part of the world. The annual Plant City Strawberry Festival. This means that most of Florida drives over to enjoy our town and its itty bitty little strawberry fest. The reason it seems to be such a big deal is because they have a big name entertainer almost every night and two concerts a day. Blah blah blah...we park cars at Kyle's office parking lot and they let us keep the moolah! Boring and dull yes but profitable and when the lot is full I can blog. So that is how my weekend is shaping up. It gave me time to finish my latest book club book (refer to bookclub blog for more info) and I watched a few movies as well.
In other news it provides bonding time for me and the old Kylester- which means we are probably gonna need a good evening of avoiding each other after spending two days in a row glued hip to hip parking cars.
So, as some of you may remember my mom was dealing with some healthy issues that were kinda scary lately and on Friday she was in the hospital for surgery. She did great and she came home yesterday and is recovering well. Please keep her recovery in your prayers that she will be up and around in no time and back to her regular self.
Thats all for today-
I guess I will go enjoy some more of this disgustingly hot day and some strawberry shortcake-
at some point this diet thing has got to get serious-