Well, since we moved here I have only posted pictures of my new little puppy - so I thought it was time to let you know what we have been up to in our new town. We love Kansas City and have done a lot of exploring so far, plus we have found new things that we love to do here. And a bonus has been a short day trip away from all of my family and friends. Enjoy!

We have taken up riding giant stone turtles at shopping malls.

We have become avid paddle boaters...

We are obsessed with our new little puppy Oliver and take tons of pictures of he and his big brother Harley.

I have hung out in my friend Pam's future home location

I made food (including this triple berry trifle) for a Baby Shower for my expecting friend Heather...

We went to Tulsa and watched the fireworks with my family...oh yeah, and got eaten alive by mosquitos!

We have had great times settling into our new home together...

I went shopping with my brother and his wife at the Plaza in Kansas City...

My Mom hung up the curtains in my living room exactly one hour after I unlocked the front door for the first time and we started moving in...seriously...

We went to Kyle's brother's wedding on Lake Michigan and added a great new gal to our family!

And most importantly...we eat A LOT of sushi!! We are beyond obsessed!
Hope you enjoyed the little sneak peak into our lives in our new home in the midwest. We both are so glad that we had our adventure in Florida but we are excited about this adventure even more!