So, this is a big week for my little household because tomorrow is my dear hubby's birthday and Saturday as we all know is Valentine's Day.
We are both all about the holidays! We might not always decorate like crazy for them but we always CELEBRATE! - and no I am not talking about President's Day and St. Patrick's Day...I am talking about the typical Holidays, both National and Personal.
Such as ...We always celebrate the anniversary of our first date and we go to the same place every year. I know it is mushy and silly - but we love it!
We ALWAYS do something special for Valentine's and we go big for Christmas and Birthdays as well. This last year was our first wedding anniversary so that was a new fun tradition that I get to look forward to each year. This year we had a lot of things standing in the way so we are planning for our two year to be big and fun!
I know that a lot of people aren't BIG into special occasions and tend to let them just go by but me and mine just LOVE a reason to make a big ta-doo!
This year I am in charge of Valentine's Day and I have it all planned out - I can't tell though because it is still a secret (shhhh!) from my Valentine himself who reads my blog devotedly (love you babe!) . It's gonna be fabulous and romantic!
His birthday is going to be more low key than other years but we are still having a fun dinner on his special day and then presents of course! The next day (Friday!) I am having a party with all our friends to celebrate his old age (hee hee)!
We have a whole weekend of fun coming up! I can't wait - since the last weeks have been kind of a strain with health. Another great reason to celebrate!
So, are you a celebrator or a stay-at-homer? What are you doing special for Valentine's Day?