Project Finito! Now I can devote myself to other things... Like...
Selecting paint colors at work.
I hope you didn't think that Shades of Grey was going to be some deep theological or emotional diatribe about my life and how I see the world. Because this post is really about paint and shades of grey paint.
I deal with this drama on a daily basis. If you haven't read my profile or been scrolling through my little thoughts here for too long then you might now know that I am an interior designer. Yes. A real one - like I actually have a license and everything..I don't just pick out pretty pillows and hang drapes (But I love to do those things too!!). I work for an architecture firm that does mostly commerical jobs. And I pick the colors for pretty much ever single job we do - interior and exterior. Like schools, car dealerships, churches, manufacturing get the picture. Not cool high rise buildings with glamorous penthouses and executive suites. There is still time kiddos! I haven't laid my dreams to rest...
So anyways I am often picking out colors for lame buildings and storage rooms, hidden mechanical rooms, etc. I do fun things too! I promise!! But the guys around here seem to have some interesting color/ paint phobias. And those start with shades of grey. Now it is good to be cautious and careful when selecting colors and you need to think about it in terms of your other finishes..I get that. BUT! I have a color processing (in my mind) time limit that disallows me to obsess for more than 10 minutes over a shade of grey. There are many shades of grey people! There is cool grey and french grey and warm grey, light grey, steel grey, blue grey....the list goes on.
But I say - pick it and move on with your life!!
I have actually found that I have to pretend to be taking longer on a color selection just so "they" think I am obsessing over the grey paint as much as them. Let me lay this out there for you all - I make instinct decisions - I picture the room/ space and I kind of lay it out with the finishes in my mind. I can decide things quick because I am very visual about the paint colors I am selecting. This is where my former acting abilities really come in handy! I can fake a conversation about the amount of green that we are seeing in a grey paint sample for at least 15 minutes. (Amanda - if you read this....hee hee you soooooo know who and what I mean!) I consider it a part of my job and good training should I ever work in the residential industry because people are very particular about their houses...
So, having solved the shade of grey dilemma of the day...
I am going to sit here and eat my salad and cucumbers and grapes and dream about juicy hamburgers, pizza, and french fries smothered in ketchup...
yeah, DETOX Day 4 is kinda tough...