1. I found out yesterday that I will have to have back surgery...this is definitely on my mind today.
2. I was supposed to go to a job site today and get some measurements. I was dreading this because it is almost physically impossible for me at the moment - but it is my job so I needed to do. Through acts of fate this is postponed due to small change of events. All I can say is Wahoo!
3. I have spent way too much of my day online. I need to be tweaking this floor plan and working on other things. But blogger has sucked me in and I am being unfocused on my work.
4. I had starbucks. Emily at Chatting at the Sky inspired me with her Pumpkin Spice Latte post a few weeks ago and I have been craving ever since. Today I caved and then unbeknownst to me (Hmmmm..) a blueberry scone hopped into my hands as well. For shame.
5. I told my co-worker about Harley's puppy spa trip after he commented on my desktop picture of my precious puppy. He stepped slowly away from me and showed concern for my mental state. This made me laugh. I mean whose dog doesn't wear cologne? I mean seriously...
6. I am now addicted to Project Runway (even though this season kinda sucks) and a new show: The Rachel Zoe Project. Why Oh Why am I so reeled in by reality TV? Maybe I should have been in fashion design. Hmmm....
7. I wore SPANX today. If you know what those are then you know that I was trying to look uber good in my dressy work clothes since I was going to go on site. But, I am not now and I am tempted to go in the restroom and take them off so my flab can be set free! SPANX are great when you want to feel sexy and chic but when you are just sitting at your desk.....lets just say that I prefer slacks that feel more like sweatpants. What a waste....
8. Tonight is the premiere of Grey's Anatomy and The Office (which Kyle and I just got addicted to this summer) and I am way excited - also since I am almost comatose at night with pain pills and the achiness of a day in a desk chair having fun new TV is way more entertaining than the History channel my hubby wants to watch. That is a whole post in itself there...
9. I have a healthy choice meal in the fridge at work but have been contemplating Chicken Fried Rice since 9 am.
10. I have 3 blogs..I have spent at least 15 minutes today pondering a new blog I want to start
11. Today is a lot about food for me. Kyle is making spaghetti for dinner. This is my favorite. I can't wait for tonight. No wonder I am fat. Thats what happens when food = comfort.
12. My lipgloss is Pomegranate. I love it.
13. We are having a garage sale this weekend with our community. I am so excited to get rid of some of our junk. I will just have to keep from going to look around at the others and find stuff to spend my earnings on. I so need a console table! Actually, I should probably put projects on hold for a bit huh? Blah! I guess I will have to live vicariously through all my fun friends creative projects!
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