It seems that Kyle and I are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the topic of moving. Moving where, you ask? Well, that is exactly the point. Confused yet?
Well, the Rock would be that we really like it here and the Hard Place would be that we always imagined moving closer to our families at some point. Kyle has been encouraged by a friend to look at a possible job opportunity in Texas. I love Texas and have friends there so that immediately sounds very welcoming, professionally it would also be a good move for me. But as soon as we think of moving we both become overwhlemes by so many emotions thatwe just dont know what to do.
Do we move, leaving a church we love and great friends and good jobs and start over again this time within at least a days drive of family? Do we stay and put our roots here for awhile longer? Not too long ago we were house hunting! When suddenly life threw us a curve ball and we are still in the outfield trying to catch up with it.
I was going through our pastor's sermon's online because sometimes I listen to them on my headset at work if we have missed a Sunday, etc. And I saw a sermon from a month ago about how Christians should deal with those big decisions that come up in life. It really hit me good- how was I or Kyle supposed to make this decision? How could we ever decide? Would we just wait for a sign? And after I listened to this sermon again I realized that this is what I need to do. Here are Mark's suggestions.
1. Ask: Does this decision line up with the Word of God?
meaning- Is there anything about this decision that is against or not cohesive with the laws that the Lord gives us in his word. For instance- If we were going to rob a bank - we would find "Thou Shalt not Steal" in the Ten Commandments and know that if it was against God's word it probably wasn't his desire for our lives. Moving to a new place wouldnt be against God's word - but maybe we could read deaper into our reasonings,etc. and see what the Bible has to say.
2. Consult wise council
This is easy to understand - you talk to people that you love and respect and ask them their opinion. This one is a toughy b/c our #1 wise coucil - our parents would of course encourage the move for many many reasons. I plan to start asking a few (non-biast) wise counselors their opinions and thoughts.
3. Pray your ever lovin' heart out - that is a direct quote from the sermon. He followed with Pray and if the Spirit of God leads then step out in faith.
The third one is where I will spend the most time. My prayer is ultimately that God guides our decision. We've all made big decisions before and I know that I have made some enormous ones without consulting God as I should, he has blessed me nonetheless and I hope that now as a married woman with big decisions impacting Kyle and I's life that we will seek him and follow him in faith.
Have a lovely Wednesday.