Last night we found a house that we totally love! a few pics from the realtor
But today there is car drama and there is back pain and a sleepless night did nothing to help.
It seems that I have a serious case of brain, heart and body overload. My mind is exhausted from thinking of solutions and ideas and scheduling, my heart is overwrought with emotion, the depression of changing plans and chaos and my body is so weakened and hurting that I feel like an 80 year old woman instead of 24.
Please Pray for Kyle and I both for strength and courage as we carry on with the damage control of the wreck and buying a new car and as we deal with my healing or finding the problem so I can be fixed. And also as we embark on the housing adventure and into the unknown.
In an attempt to lift my mood and remember some good times, I will finally get around to posting a link to the Groundhog's Day gift that I had made for my friends in celebration of our little holiday. It is a little 5x7 photo book celebrating a decade of friendship and our special day. They all received it and opened them on Groundhogs. It was a fun surprise and I enjoyed making the book. Here is a link to share: And a little plug for who I pledge my photo book business to forever!
While I am at it: Here is a link to the 8x10 wedding book we made for each set of parents as a Christmas gift.
Well, that was kind of fun. How bout some more fun? It seems that the more I blog the better my mood becomes today. Just sitting here is lifting my spirits. It is a slow week for us here at the firm - a lot of projects going on but no deadline - also a Friday so it is just one of those kind of days where I find myself with little to do to keep me occupado.
Something I just thought of for fun! Inspired by some Thursday Thirteen perusing I did yesterday. Other people have such cool blogs! It always make me want to improve mine!
Leslie's Wish List (or things I would buy if I had a $1,000 dollars to spend for fun)
1. The Blackberry Pearl - very cool......

2. Clinique Happy Heart Perfume! I love this scent and I used to wear it but haven't for a while. Maybe it's time for a new scent!

4. Ooh, I love a gorgeous heel! Nothing makes me feel more like a little diva! Tomorrow night some 4 of my good friends and I are having Girl's Night Out with a movie (Fool's Gold) and dinner...and LOTS OF CHATTING!! I can't wait! I will have to pull out some girlie heels for the fun night as my budget doesn't exactly scream Designer Shoes at the moment. O, shoes...