Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Groundhog's Day and plenty of reasons why

On this the EVE of the Groundhog, I find myself -as I do every year at this time- reminiscing. I think of my friends in Oklahoma and I would give anything to be on a plane at this moment with some big plan to all get together and celebrate tomorrow. It is so funny the traditions that we make and the different days of the year that hold such meaning to each of us. Why is it in the fall that I feel like I should be getting ready for school? Why is it in the summer I still get that urge to think about what the theme will be this year - even though it has been several years since I did either. And why is it that Christmas wasn't Christmas this year and not only because I didn't spend it with my family but because my friends and I didn't have our annual party. And why is it that February 2nd is one of my most cherished days of the year?

As I sit here thinking back a flood of memories fly through my mind, excuse my prose as I share a few little memories...

A few for you ladies reading this who can still close your eyes and suddenly remember what high school felt like and how it felt to giggle with your girlfriends about a boy and the adventure of our first groundhog's day celebration...the one that started it all- And wasn't that also the night that we sometimes refer to as "that Thursday night" (which might be why Thursday is my favorite day of the week). Or maybe no one else remembers..."Count on Me" from the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack. You know, despite the fact that several of us were in sororities and pledged our sisterhood just between us - it never meant to me what this "Groundhog" sisterhood did and will for ever. And to think! We got into that without the pledge process and swimming in a pond and whatever else we had to do (wink wink). Sorry Koinonea Filia...(hee hee...)

So, here are a few memories of random moments that came to me this morning as I typed...

The murder mystery video in Woodward Park, the shot of several of us talking and then in the background below you see Kristin chasing Brittany, another shot of Britt going through the woods to hide and then later Heather saying, "that Brittany has some big strides (or something) and then trying to cover up her laugh)

Another memory in Woodward park where Heather and I had the whole week - sending all the girls a flower at school and then a note to meet us at the park where we had prepared a picic with real plates and really yummy food in a picnic basket. (another memory captured on video) and that night we sat around talking in Heather's apartment about who we thought each would marry or what we would all do when we grew up.

Senior Prom when we pulled Mr. Snow onto the dance floor - who would do that but us.

Sneaking out of a play at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center and going to Olive Garden, yelling "Hey Scotty" and barely being able to eat our food when a vegatable italian song came over the radio...don't even get me started on the median...

Our first few months in college, all of us piled all over someones dorm room - barely any room to walk..for hours..what on earth did we do?

The groundhog's day sophomore year where everyone met at Heath and I's dorm and for some weird reason we all wore red...and we didnt plan it...

I remember leaving a note on someones car in high school after we had had a fight, lunches in Pam's eclipse with Shaggy and the Cookie Jar, Tanning at Pam's before Prom, Jumping in the Pool in December, Bras worn over other the hot tub..(who were we?), Then there was a trip to Florida and How big is an 8" pizza? And Friends in Close Compacted Spaces, Peach stands....

Ski trips, Drives to Pryor listening to N'SYNC, the summer of sonic, school plays, sitting around in kitchens talking.......

I could go on forever and I have barely even mentioned college... going to Joes with Britt and Sara (and others), something with an apartment and a guitar..was anyone else there? (wink), Sneaking into the football field and taking pictures on the goal line, Walking all over campus talking, Football games, Stopping by Sara's unannounced and catching up, college was so different but somehow we were all still connected in a way, just like we are now...

Watching Heather get ready for her wedding, the first time we met Pam's crazy Patrick, Britt and Kristin's terrifying apartment, The reason Heath and I didnt eat grilled chicken for a year, a peach smoothie that wasn't drank, The night before Pam's wedding when we played Friends Scene It, dancing on the sand at my wedding with my best friends, Speaking of wedding..Pam's sisters wedding and the day of 3 events to attend..., meeting Henata, one word..KROT, two words...HEATHRE JEANS, three words...

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Here's to our first decade of friendship! And here's to plenty more to come!

Take care and I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you just read this and have no idea what any of it means....Well, it means that we don't care about whether or not spring comes early or we have 5 more weeks of winter....