We can't! Family will be here in 3 weeks...we walk down the aisle in 4 weeks..and then Hawaii!!!
We are so excited for everything! As we order last minute items, and meet with vendors, it just gets closer and closer!
This weekend Kyle and I went to the island to finalize our Rehearsal Dinner plans with our restaurant. That went fairly well. Then we mosied over the BeachHouse to make sure it was still standing...it was and there were two wedding about to happen and then.....downpour!!
We walked across the street for some of the best ice cream on the island and sat outside watching the rain pour down over the beautiful archway one couple had prepared. We looked at each other and bust out laughing! So far we have seen a wedding there in a Tropical Depression and now just a rainstorm...we aren't superstitious but we both knocked on wood and crossed our fingers that our day is all sunshine and happiness.
So, some of you are probably wondering what kind of behind the scenes drama is really going on this close to the wedding and I have to tell ya that "It's all GOOD!" to quote my pastor from yesterday's sermon. The sermon was on prayer and he told a funny anecdote about the early nineties saying "It's all good" and how we should find the joy in all situations and trust Christ completely and later on that day as Kyle and I were once again talking about this family drama or that little detail, I just said, "Hey, It's all good! Lets not let anymore of this bring us down on any level and lets just celebrate because this should be the most exciting time of our lives!" So that is our new theme, when we get a call about something going wrong or so in so is not coming or so in so wasnt invited but wants to come, etc.... It is all good.
Lots of love and happy Monday!