Did I spell it out clear enough? Well, I have been sick at home in bed the last two days and today I have managed to drag myself to work where I am struggling to emit any sort of productivity. A surge of energy from my strawberry yogurt at lunch inspired me to blog and gush a bit about what I am up to.
Well as some of you might know the wedding is six weeks away. This seems sooo soon I can barely see it or type it without my stomach doing a flip. I am preparing for my test next weekend and so glad it is finally here so I can just take it and stop worrying about it..and then focus my attention on fun wedding stuff and honeymoon preparation. In my last blog I mentioned that Kyle and I started house hunting. We were pre-approved by the bank and are now really getting serious about our home search (actually probably not too serious until next week is over). We have looked at quite a few homes but are both extremely nervous about the concept of home ownership. How do you choose? The whole process is really intimidating us. There is a new show on HGTV starting Sunday called Property Virgins and it is supposed to be helpful tips from a real estate guru of sorts to first time home buyers. I am excited to watch it and see if we learn anything helpful.
I am hosting our lifegroup tonight at my apartment which should be fun- although I always stress at the idea of people being over and things being perfect. I have been on a cleaning war path the last few days despite being almost completely confined to my bed or the couch. Gag.
Yesterday was Kyle and I's 3 year dating anniversary! I cannot believe it has been three years. To celebrate he took me to Chili's for dinner which was the original place of our first date three years ago yesterday. We sat in a booth situated almost identical to the one we sat in in Stillwater. We had a good time rehashing old memories and stories of when we first met and started dating. It felt good to get out of the house as well - its sometimes hard to get well when you dont get out and move around.
Well, Lunch is over and I have to get back to the old grind.
Take care and have a good Wednesday!