Well, if this last weekend had a name it would be called "Leslie vs. her wedding list" - I took the list of all the things left to do for the wedding and I set out on a mission. The mission: to get as many things accomplished (i.e. checked off the list) as possible. I went to SoHo (southern Hospitality), Michaels, Shoe Carnival, TJ Max, Target, PartyPlus, Ross, Bed Bath and Beyond, and then with still more energy I went to...the mall. I stepped into Dillards, Fredricks (woo woo!), The bombay company, back to Dilliards and then I was beyond exhaustion so I took my weary feet and mind home. The next day i battled on! With Walmart and then on Monday it was Kirklands....
This wedding...........
Although my apartment is about to turn into a bridal store with all the junk I have in it - I accomplished a lot and feel relieved to have quite a few red lines thru "the list".
Yesterday in desperation for THE PERFECT PICTURE FRAME for one of the wedding "details" I found myself buying a gorgeous frame with a print of a tiger in it. I was embarrassed to be purchasing the ugly print but it was on clearance and I wanted that frame! So I bravely went up to the counter like the tiger picture collector that I am and made my purchase - almost positive that upon leaving the store - the staff were calling so in so to tell them they had won the pool and some crazy lady had actually bought the hideous tiger picture.
Thats all the gab I have for today- I have to spend the rest of my precious lunch hour with my nose in my book studying for my exam. Yes the exam that I am supposed to be focused on 100% and setting the wedding planning aside for. Oh well..you're only a bride once!