Did anybody know that this was National Eat Dessert First Week? Well, what a fabulous celebration! Although I should of course steer clear of any dessert as I am on Project Lose Weight for Wedding, I was excited to learn about this great holiday and happy to share it with all my fellow sweet toothed friends.
In the News:
This week has flown by so fast! I second ago it was Monday and I was dragging myself out of bed to exercise and then ziiipppp! it's Friday afternoon. Not much has happened really. Surprisingly each of our parents have decided to come visit pre-wedding this summer and we are excited to have the company. My Mom is coming the first of June, Kyle's parents the end of June and my father is venturing down here solo at the end of July. What a summer we have ahead of us! We won't know what to do with so much family around!
My firm hired a interior design intern for the summer so that has been new and fun this week at work to actually have a fellow designer around as well as it's kind of fun to have an intern you can pass a bit of knowledge on to.
Kyle and I have been helping my Mom with her computer situation which has turned into a crazy DELL nightmare (we warned her!) but we have finally got it resolved and are on the HP route to computer happiness (hopefully).
We invited a new couple into our lifegroup this week, Ash & Quinn and hopefully they will stay and start to fill the void of our couple that is moving to Venice at the end of the month. Venice, Florida (45 or so minutes away) not Italy. Please keep our growing lifegroup in your prayers as we get new couples and continue finding our niche'.
Tonight Kyle and I are planning a Dinner and a Movie date (not the goofy cable show) and I so excited to just relax and spend time with my sweetie pie. We have our differences at times but there is no one I have more fun just being with. Love you honey!
Other than that the weekend holds a golf game and some good old R&R from this super fast week.
Lots of love and God Bless!