"Weakness of character is the only defect which cannot be amended."
-some french guy
Well, I have some good/ great news to report. As you know I have had a lot
of back problems lately and those problems have been aggravated even more so
by the amount of time I sit and how I sit at work. I have been a huge chicken and afraid
to say something for a long time despite the pushing of my family and Kyle to step it up and
just tell my bosses that I am having trouble. This was extremely hard for me b/c first of all I am by far the youngest and newest at the firm, we all have the same chairs and we all sit at stool height. On the other hand - I have doctor diagnosed back problems that are costing me a fortune every month and I have begun working standing up at my desk with my mouse stacked up on two books and my screen tilted up.
Finally when I had all the bosses together I finally got up the nerve and just told them what I was going through. And of course it was no big deal at all and all they want is for me to be comfortable and happy. So I got to choose whether I wanted a platform for my feet and to stay at stool height, to have my desk lowered and get a new chair or have my desk raised so I could continue to stand. By the next day it was decided and the next day after that I got to go chair shopping and they bought me a wonderfully ergonomic and awesome chair and they are fixing my desk asap!
All it took was working up some courage and being a little brave. And that is what my quote at the top was about. Sometimes in my workplace I tend to be a meek little mouse. They are all older and wiser - they are like the godfathers of architecture and I am..well, Suzy D. Design with a fresh college degree and a hatred for cool colors and a I wanna design the world attitude. But, I am bad at standing up for myself and my opinions - this was never a problem before. And they tell me time and time again to do so and still meek little me..quite as a mouse picking out my finishes and wanting their approval and respect.
So, I am empowered by my small amount of courage and I hope to really start showing them what I am made of! ---Make that chair RED and paint that wall AUBERGINE!! Move that chair, it hurts my eyes! Haven't you guys heard of Feng Shui???? --- and as the King of Siam would say "etc, etc, etc.....
so that it that and it is thursday and I am hard at work - i.e. typing my blog to look busy while I wait for my next design solution!
peace out u crazy cats-
p.s. (my family and co-workers loved this so I thought I should share with my friends) I was at my pain management specialist last week for the first time and unexpecting that it was anything more than a consultation - I had not mentally prepared myself for having shots put into my back - and so your dear dear friend fainted at the doctors office (very embarassingly because I have co-workers who go to him too and he seems to remember me when they go in and ask about the girl with long blond hair who fainted). So yes, like I have always said - I don't do shots - I do fainting though.
I thought you might enjoy that - especially Heath who knows all about embarassing fainting incidents- wink wink Mizz Jeans!