Well friends,
I have returned from my beloved Oklahoma - full of my family's laughter and smiles..maybe a few tears as well - and I am officially out of the vacation scene and back to my regular schedule. It feels good! And unless I end up going on some Denver thing in November - I will hopefully be land bound until Christmas.
In other News...
Kyle and I's two year anniversary was yesterday! I can't believe it - two years. We had a great time - I came home to over a dozen red roses and a sweet card and we had dinner at Chili's (which doesn't sound romantic or nice but, it was the scene of our first date) and then we went home and watched one of our fave shows which was new last night! How I Met Your Mother - such a good show!
Well, as life returns to normal I hope to catch up with friends I haven't spoken to in a while since all the craziness got going - so listen for my call at some point!
I also got to see my lovely friend Sheralyn while I was home and because we were in Tulsa we of course went to Senor Tequilas for lunch. She and my mother also brutally cornered me as to my reasons for not wanting to move home. It was quite the little guilt fest but I pulled through and am now happily back home where I belong! But, I understand them totally and miss them every day.
As for Tiffanie's wedding which was the very reason I was in the sooner state (and oops! they lost to Oregon while I was there! What an enjoyable event! Go Oregon! I don''t know the Oregon mascot - I'll have to ask Aaron I guess) it was a very nice little wedding - although there were like 150 people there! It was sweet and Lance and Tiffanie were quite fun to watch as they said there vows. I cried, we all cried. They are just so young. But, I think they will be fine. My family had a ball at the wedding and I'm sure we will be talking about it forever!
I am happy for them both and wish them the best! And she looked soooo beautiful!
Well, I guess thats all for now-
Lots of love and have a great day!