Well friends I wish I could say that after returning to the city I have decided to just pack up and move there- But alas that whole responsibilities and also that love thing remind me why I don't. Also there is the fact that I LOVE IT HERE and we have made so many amazing friends and our jobs are going great..I can't imagine living anywhere else. So, it's Tuesday and August is almost over already. It seems like just the other day I was turning 23 and there were pretty flowers decorating my desk. So, a few more weeks till the CRUISE!!!! and then off to Oklahoma for Tiffy's wedding. Good grief! Could anyone else get married??? Just Kidding..in fact I have to say that this shindig is one I would not want to miss- and yes, I did say shindig.
Well, I am officially a professionsl doctors appointment attender. It's basically all I do now, I go to the doctor, and oh yeah, on the side I am an interior designer.
Alright- thats it- back to work