Well, it's a new day in Florida and I wish I was outside enjoying it but alas I am indoors working..(or am I playing?) So, are you ready for most embarassing moments of the day? Well, it started with catching Kyle's microwave on fire when I warmed up my coffee water in his plastic coffee mug...(i know..i know..)So the morning had a rough start and then it's basically been completely dull since then except for the grand arrival of the Godiva Chocolate(which is a annual christmas gift from a client) and the off the cuff comment from our secretary to another lady in the office that it would go straight to her hips. Gladly I am allergic to the awful stuff so I did not have to be victim to elderly women's "words of wisdom". So that is what has happened to me in my small corner of the world.
Also I would like to note that I am using a new lotion which the description describes as having a meringue texture, (which i thought was odd and a little over doing it) but, i used it and you know what? It feels exactly like i am moisturizing my hands with a big glob of lemon meringue pie, except it smells like "Mandarin Cashmere"...no no people..I am not a vanilla girl, nor do I cling to lotions of berry and jasmine..I like my lotion to smell like clothes smeared in tropical fruit and to feel like the inside of my grandmothers best pie....... Speaking of lotion..I think my hands are feeling a tad dry...