Well, we went into the major moving and sorting phase last night after some delish free grilled chicken ala' Oprah. We are starting in the back of the house and working forward - although our complete plan of finishing both rooms was not realized last night, we did make some serious headway and our garage sale pile continues to grow by leaps and bounds! We really have A. LOT. OF. JUNK.
We sorted through papers and boxes just full of STUFF that we hadn't seen in a year (or needed for a year for that matter), and went through pile after pile of clothes. I have a feeling that one garage sale alone won't make a big enough dent in the stack - the rest will go to goodwill or something as we don't have the time to allow for garage sale number 2 and that junk definitely is not coming back inside once it hits the garage!
Tonight we are hoping to finish those rooms up and maybe start to creep our progress through the rest of the house - at least sorting-wise. Tomorrow we will be setting up the garage for the big sale and continuing our packing as it is our last weekend to pack as Kyle will be busy next weekend. Thankfully we have next week to throw it together - hopefully "throwing" it in an organized and easy to unpack fashion.
The best thing about this move is that my Mom will be meeting us in K.C. to unload and move us into our new casa. This is great because my Mom is the best mover ever. EVER. She is best at the unloading because she starts whipping things out of boxes and putting them away immediately - while I just stare at the boxes and decide how to live around them until I need something from them. K and I are the worst movers - it takes us FOREVER to get resettled, we just get overwhelmed by all the stuff (pretty much how we are right now as we are packing said stuff). To put it in perspective - we moved into our current house in July and didn't have company over until Halloween - it is that serious. She will have our kitchen organized and done before she leaves - I just know it! She will probably have pictures on the walls. If we can get things unpacked or at least organized - I will feel less overwhelmed and be ready to start the design and fluffy part where I get everything decorated and organized just how I want it.
I already have some great ideas for the new place (I can imagine my husbands frustrated sigh as he reads that line). I don't have a lot to do today at work so I have been sketching out some layout ideas and leafing through the new Ballard Designs catalog I received this morning (it is already chock full of cyan post-its!). I don't plan to purchase things necessarily from the catalog as I don't have the mullah that is needed - but they are a great source for inspiration especially for things that i might be able to do myself with a little scrappyness and a great yard sale find. Thanks to all the lovely design blogging gals that I know - I will get my ideas ironed out easily. Plus the bonus is that I will get to share my new decorating adventures with all my devoted readers (wink!)
Here are some of the MUST HAVES/ must figure out how to re-create stuff that I found.

These are not the colors of the fabric I would choose - but I love the little banquette seating for a casual kitchen corner.

In the new house there is a little kitchen island with an overhang - I think a couple of these stools would look super cute (p.s. they match my kitchen chairs!)

I adore this office - I might actually want to go in there if it was this cute (minus the rug)!
So excited to figure this out - maybe I will even post a sketch tomorrow if I come up with something I like. Happy Thursday!